Born again bureaucrat

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Annie’s Preface

Clayton asked me to write the preface to his book.
I’ve known him for a long time and he talks to me when he’s confused.
He has often been confused over the years, so we’ve talked a lot and have become close friends.
The reason he gets so confused is that he is so complex. His mind is sharp and subtle and volatile and adaptable. And his feelings are similar. So sometimes, maybe often, I was not sure  to whom I was talking. And he would tell me I was very perceptive because he was never sure who it was that was talking.

You see the problem? Clayton could be many things. He could have been a great actor, because he was so good in so many roles. But he didn’t want to be a great actor. He wanted to be a great person. And to him the great person he wanted to be was the real, the unique, the genuine, the authentic Clayton.
So essentially, that’s what life for him was all about. It was a journey to find his authentic self.
In this book he shares some of the unexpected twists and turns with you, the reader.

Quotes and Reader’s Comments

(coming soon)